Housing stability
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Most people spend most of their time in their home. That makes the home a crucial environment that can affect one’s health.
Housing stability
In NYC, about one out of every three homes is owned by the person living there - about half the national average. Owning a home is a powerful way to build intergenerational wealth, but historical and contemporary disinvestment and housing discrimination has made it hard for many New Yorkers to own homes.
Meanwhile, rising housing costs increase the rent burden for many New Yorkers.
Because of New York City’s housing crisis, some families are at risk of being kicked out of their homes. People who are threatened with eviction, even before they lose their home, are more likely to report poor health, high blood pressure, depression, anxiety, and psychological distress. Eviction often leads to residential instability, moving into poor quality housing, overcrowding, and homelessness, all of which is associated with negative health among adults and children.
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