Key Topics in Environmental Health

What creates health? Often, our environment does. The world around us shapes our health, our behavior, the resources we can access and the threats we encounter.

These key topics in environmental health offer data and resources from across the portal on different ways that our environments shape our health.

Air quality

New York City’s air contains particles, drops of liquid, gasses, and other pollution that can affect health. Bad air quality can be particularly …

Climate and health

Climate, including extreme weather, has a direct impact on health. As NYC’s climate changes, along with the world’s climate, we expect …


Most people spend most of their time at home - so the household environment can significantly affect health. Disrepair that stems from long-term …

Inequality and health inequities

Inequality is a significant driver of bad health: a society that deprives people of resources to stay healthy is a society where many people become …

Injury and violence

Violence is a public health issue. Injuries, whether intentional (like violence or suicide) or unintentional, are the main causes of death for New …

Active design, public space, and transportation

Physical activity and healthy eating rank among the leading ways to get and stay healthy.

Active design is an applied, evidence-informed approach to …

Environmental health outcomes

Our environment - the world around us - affects our health. Here are datasets on health outcomes that people experience that may be linked to the …

Child health

Lifelong health can be determined by your health when you are a child. Plus, children can be fragile, and can be more harmed by environmental threats. …

Pests and pesticides

Pests and pesticides can both have health effects. Household pests like mice, rats, and cockroaches can trigger asthma, while bed bugs are a …

Food and drink

We all make choices around food and drink, but sometimes, those choices are made for us by our food environments.

Our food environments include …