More content about neighborhoods:

A walk through history

A neighborhood is not only shaped by its residents, but also by governmental practices and policies. Some of these have discriminated against …

Real-Time Air Quality: PM2.5 in NYC

Fine particles (PM2.5) are among the most harmful pollutants. Long-term exposure to PM2.5 contributes to an estimated 2,000 excess deaths from lung …

Healthy eating

Healthy eating is associated with better health, including a reduced risk of cardiovascular disease. That means that having access to healthy, safe, …

Your Neighborhood's Air Quality

We combine data from our air quality monitoring network, NYCCAS, with other data to understand what makes air quality in one neighborhood different …

Asthma triggers at home

Housing conditions can trigger asthma. In New York City, childhood asthma is a significant health threat that affects thousands of children per year. …

Housing maintenance

Buildings with maintenance issues and disrepair can harm health. Across NYC, low-income neighborhoods have a higher percentage of buildings in …

Housing safety

Most people spend most of their time in their home. That makes the home a crucial environment that can affect one’s health - both in terms of …

Housing stability

Most people spend most of their time in their home. That makes the home a crucial environment that can affect one’s health. Housing stability In …


Violence is the use of physical, verbal and/or emotional force to injure, harm, abuse, damage or destroy. While violence can be self-inflicted, …