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Staying safe in cold weather

Cold weather can be dangerous. Here are some tips for staying safe this winter.

How power outages affect health

Imagine your child has asthma. One summer night, a powerful storm rolls in and knocks the power out. Your child starts to have trouble breathing. …

Climate and health

Climate, including extreme weather, has a direct impact on health. As NYC’s climate changes, along with the world’s climate, we expect …

Real-time heat-related illness

The weather forecast is the best way to predict heat-related health outcomes. We can also track heat-related illness with near real-time electronic …

Interactive Heat Vulnerability Index

Use this Heat Vulnerability Explorer to look up your the heat vulnerability of your neighborhood, and the neighborhood characteristics that affect it. …

The urban heat island effect in NYC

In New York City and across the country, more people die from extreme heat than from all other natural disasters combined. To understand how to keep …

Protecting New Yorkers from extreme heat

Hot weather is dangerous. In New York City and across the country, more people on average die from extreme heat each year than from all other natural …