Data index

Search by term, see available years and geographies, and filter by data source.

This produces a list of topics and IndicatorIDs, stored in the variable $topic_indicators, and printed to the console as a JavaScript variable, and then as an Arquero table.

Also outputting a JSON version of the list to IndicatorMetadata/topic_indicators.json (which on build will be put into /docs/IndicatorMetadata/)

Indicator Topics Measurements Geographies Most recent data Data Source

Can't find what you're looking for? Try these other Health Department resources:

  • EpiQuery: Analyze and visualize NYC health data from surveys, disease reports and vital records by sex, race/ethnicity, age and other stratifications.
  • Community Health Profiles: Learn about the social, economic and health conditions and outcomes of New Yorkers, neighborhood-by-neighborhood.
Browse all Health Department data resources here.