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How power outages affect health

Imagine your child has asthma. One summer night, a powerful storm rolls in and knocks the power out. Your child starts to have trouble breathing. …

Air quality

New York City’s air contains particles, drops of liquid, gasses, and other pollution that can affect health. Bad air quality can be particularly …


Most people spend most of their time at home - so the household environment can significantly affect health. Disrepair that stems from long-term …

Air quality

Air quality is a measure of the condition of the air around us. The less air pollution there is, the better the air quality. Like many cities, New …


Asthma is a common disease in which the lungs become swollen, making breathing difficult. Symptoms include wheezing, coughing, shortness of breath and …

Asthma triggers at home

Housing conditions can trigger asthma. In New York City, childhood asthma is a significant health threat that affects thousands of children per year. …

Health impacts of air pollution

Air pollution is an important environmental threat to the health of New York City residents. Exposures to two common air pollutants, fine particulate …

Child health

Lifelong health can be determined by your health when you are a child. Plus, children can be fragile, and can be more harmed by environmental threats. …

The Public Health Impacts of PM2.5 from Traffic Air Pollution

PM2.5—or fine particulate matter—are tiny particles that pollute the air and result from everyday urban activities like driving. PM2.5 can be solid or …