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Healthy waterways are important for both aquatic life and humans who use the water for recreation. We measure the quality of harbor water through two …

Efforts to reduce air pollution should focus on neighborhoods with the worst health impacts

Every year in NYC between 2015 and 2017 (the most recent years for which this analysis is available), fine particulate matter pollution from motor …

Air quality

New York City’s air contains particles, drops of liquid, gasses, and other pollution that can affect health. Bad air quality can be particularly …

Air quality

Air quality is a measure of the condition of the air around us. The less air pollution there is, the better the air quality. Like many cities, New …

Health impacts of air pollution

Air pollution is an important environmental threat to the health of New York City residents. Exposures to two common air pollutants, fine particulate …

Tracking changes in New York City's sources of air pollution

As city life changes, so does its air quality, as sources of emissions that affect the city’s outdoor air quality, like truck traffic, building …

Air quality in car-free areas

Does the air improve in car-free zones? People often ask us this, and it’s a great question. To answer, we turn to the NYC Community Air Survey, …

What our air quality monitors tell us about NYC's neighborhoods

In Part 1, we looked at data from the New York City Community Air Survey (NYCCAS) - a network of about 100 air quality monitors - to see if air …

Breathe easy: NYC's air quality is improving

The air we breathe can have a major effect on our health — air pollution can make asthma worse and can cause heart disease, lung disease, strokes, and …