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A walk through history

A neighborhood is not only shaped by its residents, but also by governmental practices and policies. Some of these have discriminated against …

Efforts to reduce air pollution should focus on neighborhoods with the worst health impacts

This story was recently updated with new data. Every year in NYC between 2017 and 2019 (The most recent data available. See all recorded years of …

Staying safe in cold weather

Cold weather can be dangerous. Here are some tips for staying safe this winter.

ZAPPA: A tool to understand air quality policies

New York City’s air quality is generally good and has been improving over time. Still, air pollution threatens health: two pollutants, ozone and PM2.5 …

An update on air quality during COVID-19

On March 20, 2020, New York State announced the COVID-19 shutdown, officially known as NY Pause. In NYC, it lasted until June 8, 2020. With …

Real-Time Air Quality: PM2.5 in NYC

Fine particles (PM2.5) are among the most harmful pollutants. Long-term exposure to PM2.5 contributes to an estimated 2,000 excess deaths from lung …

Active design, public space, and transportation

Physical activity and healthy eating rank among the leading ways to get and stay healthy. Active design is an applied, evidence-informed approach to …

Your Neighborhood's Air Quality

We combine data from our air quality monitoring network, NYCCAS, with other data to understand what makes air quality in one neighborhood different …

Active design

Physical activity and healthy eating are among the leading ways to get and stay healthy. Active design is an applied, evidence-informed approach to …